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Resonator Design

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bulletIndustrial resonators shows typical horns, boosters, and transducers. These resonators deliver high energy density in order to substantially affect the materials with which they are in contact. Common uses include welding plastics and nonferrous metals, cutting, abrasive machining of hard materials, fatigue testing, atomization, defoaming, cleaning, liquid processing, sonochemistry (enhancement of chemical reactions), and deagglomeration.

For detailed information on specific designs, see the following.
bulletBar horns (includes animations)
bulletBlock horns (includes animations)
bulletSpool horns (includes animations)
bulletSlotted cylindrical horns (includes animations)
bulletRigid mount boosters (includes animations)
bulletMedical resonators are used for cutting, disintegrating, cauterizing, scraping, cavitating, and dental descaling.
bulletFEA Information "Ultrasonic Resonator Design Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA)" discusses the advantages and limitations of finite element analysis for resonator design. This paper was originally presented at the Ultrasonic Industry Association's 1991 technical symposium.  It has been updated to reflect current practices.
bulletResonator Information Form  If you have a resonator design that might be improved by finite element analysis, then you can use this form to submit baseline information.


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